
Descaler won Best New Business award 2016

28 July 2021
Descaler won Best New Business award 2016
Descaler UK won an award in the James & James ecommerce awards 2016! The award was assigned in the category 'best new business'.

"Suppliers of coffee machine maintenance products: a ‘tiny niche’ to quote the company. Using an advanced warehouse management system, Descaler UK is able to achieve a next day delivery on 94% of orders, and a score of 9.1 on Trustpilot." 
James Hyde - Chair of judging panel James & James


“As we are specialist we try to keep things as simple as possible”, All our processes are very straightforward; we try to simplify all information. Besides that we focus on an awesome experience for our customers”.
Dirk Pheifer, Managing Director Descaler UK


More info about the award: James & James ecommerce award 2016